Our Staff
Passionate Educators
St. Tola's N.S. is proud to have a staff of teachers that are passionate about making a difference in students’ lives through tireless dedication to education.
Junior Infants - Ms. Aoife Carley - msacarley@sttolas.com
Senior Infants - Ms. Katie Somers - msksomers@sttolas.com
First Class- Ms. Ashleigh Smith - msasmith@sttolas.com
Second Class - Ms. Heather Flynn - mshflynn@sttolas.com
Second Class - Ms. Niamh Varley - msnvarley@sttolas.com
Third Class - Ms. Aileen Murtagh - msamurtagh@sttolas.com
Fourth Class - Ms. Emma Nestor - msenestor@sttolas.com
Fifth Class - Mr. Joe Doherty - mrjdoherty@sttolas.com
Sixth Class - Ms. Linda Champkin - mslchampkin@sttolas.com
Blossoms - Ms. Sinéad Wilkinson - msswilkinson@sttolas.com
Gladioli - Ms. Jennifer King - msjking@sttolas.com
SETs - Ms. Julie Ann Carroll - msjcarroll@sttolas.com
Ms. Maykayla McCormack - msmmccormack@sttolas.com
Ms. Leonie Dwyer - msldwyer@sttolas.com
Mrs. Alison Hyndman - msahyndman@sttolas.com
Mrs. Bernie O' Reilly
Ms. Tara Horan
Mrs. Geraldine Fallon
Mrs. Olga Mulligan
Mrs. Geraldine Leonard
Mrs. Jacinta Connor
Ms. Michelle Leggett
Principal (DLP) - Ms. Eileen Smyth - principal@sttolas.com/ office@sttolas.com
Acting Deputy Principal (DDLP) - Ms. Laura Kelleghan
Assisstant Principal - Mr. Joe Doherty
Secretary - Mrs. Philomena Temple - office@sttolas.com
Caretaker - Mr. Barry Kelleghan
Cleaners - Mrs. Aggie McGrath & Ms. Angela Murtagh
Bus Escort - Mrs. Geraldine Leonard & Ms. Eileen Gaffney
Board of Management:
Fr. Seamus Heaney (Chairperson)
Ms. Eileen Smyth (Principal)
Ms. Claire Fox (Treasurer)
Ms. Ashleigh Smith (Teacher Rep.)
Ms. Bernie Fox (Commnity Rep.)